Next Reunion?次のリユニオン?

Next Reunion When? Where? USA 次のリユニオン

USA: Mark your calendars and make your (travel) plans for Friday October 4, 2024 for our next USA reunion in Salt Lake, when we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the mission, as well as celebrate the mission's re-establishment July 1, 2024, after a five-year hiatus. Thanks to Arakaki (Rees) Shimai, we can meet again at the same historical Capitol Hill Ward meetinghouse. A few months out we'll send more detailed information and RSVP options.

Tentative schedule for our open-house format: come when you can and stay for as long as you wish. 3PM early bird setup and visiting, 6PM potluck dinner, 730PM-ish group picture, assigned curfew is 9:30PM.

We will also offer a 9-hole golf event at 10am that morning. Click the Info, RSVP for 50-Year Reunion link at left, or click here.

Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu!

ソルトレークでの次回の米国同窓会は、2024 年 10 月 4 日金曜日にカレンダーに記入してください。この日は、仙台伝道部設立 50 周年と、5 年間の休止期間を経て 2024 年 7 月 1 日に仙台伝道部が再開されることを記念することができます。 数か月後に、RSVP オプションの詳細情報をお送りする予定です。 オープンハウス形式の暫定スケジュール: 可能なときに来て、好きなだけ滞在してください。 午後 3 時早起きでセットアップと訪問、午後 6 時持ち寄りディナー、門限午後 9 時 30 分。 よろしくお願いします!
Oct 2019 45th anniversary reunion - We'll meet at the historic Capitol Hill Ward again!

Why not more often?  Yes, we're getting old and yes, we've already lost a few of our fellow RMs. For those who don't live in Utah, traveling to a reunion is a bigger deal - we have found that if we have 'bigger' reunions less often, lately every five years, with plenty of notice, more RMs will be able to attend.
How can you help? We have many Teruya-jidai  'Missing RMs' & RMs who haven’t yet updated their RM List profiles on our Site, which is our primary method of contact for reunions.  If they haven't joined us here, they likely will not hear about reunions. You may be the only connection back to them-please roll up your sleves, do a little detective work, and help by contacting them directly to join us here at   Once they've updated their profile here, they'll receive Site notices such as reunion announcements, and their name will automatically drop off the 'Missing' list.