
Sendai Mission - Mission Leaders

Historical Sendai Mission Leader Names are listed below.  I've added links to each president's original call published in the Church News and updates/biographies (where applicable) and to Facebook Groups where available. If you have information that fills in some of the blanks here or if I've messed up somehow, please contact me with additions or corrections.

  Years Served Mission Leaders Facebook Group Link
1 1974 - 1977 Teruya, Walter & Joyce  Teruya
2 1977 - 1978 Kwak, Richard & Mildred  
3 1978 - 1981 Sakai Kiyoshi & Mitsuyo Sakai and Shimabukuro
4 1981 - 1984 Shimabukuro, Sam & Amy
5 1984 - 1987 Aoyagi Koichi & Shiroko Aoyagi
6 1987 - 1990 Niiyama Yasuo & Tomiko Niiyama-Fukuda "92-94"
7 1990 - 1993 Fukuda Makoto & Yasuko
      all jidais; jidai non-specified
8 1993 - 1996 Austin, Richard & Sherrie  
9 1996 - 1999 Yoshino Kazuhiro & Mariko Yoshino
10 1999 - 2002 Grames, Conan & Cindy Grames
11 2002 - 2005 Bird, Alan & Helen Bird
12 2005 - 2008 Miyashita Asao & Kumiko Miyashita
13 2008 - 2011 Tateoka, Reid & Shauna Tateoka
14 2011 - 2014 Rasmussen, Gary & Pam Rasmussen
15 2014 - 2017 Smith, Jeffrey & Diane Smith
16 2017 - 2020* Sekiguchi Osamu & Takako Sekiguchi (Newsroom)
17 2024 - 2027 Ward, Bryan & Kathy  
* After 45 years of existence, Sendai Mission was dissolved effective 01 Jul 2019, Pres. Sekiguchi then presided over the newly r(e)created Tokyo North Mission, temporarily headquartered in Sendai until a new mission home is completed near the Tokyo Temple. Branches in Akita, Aomori and Iwate prefectures are now part of the Sapporo Mission. In late 2023, the Church announced the Sendai Mission would reopen effective 01 Jul 2024 after a five year stint split half into the Sapporo Mission and half into the Tokyo North Mission.

pre-Sendai Mission - Presidents (Prior to 1974)

Although Sendai wasn't established as a separate mission until 1974, missionary work actually began in Touhoku in the earliest years of the Church's efforts in Japan.  According to the journal of Alma O. Taylor, who with Heber J. Grant was one of the first four missionaries to Japan in 1901, the first missionaries assigned to live and work in the city of Sendai arrived in July 1905.  Those first two missionaries were William Reuben Fairbourn and Sandford W Hedges.  In 1908, missionaries were first assigned to Morioka.  The Church closed the Japan Mission in 1924 after little success (only 166 baptisms were performed in those 23 years) and worsening global conflicts that would lead to World War II.  After World War II, missionaries returned to serve in Japan starting in the fall of 1948.  In the years since then, missionary work has had its ups and downs and the number of missions has fluctuated from a low of one mission in 1948 to a high of ten missions in 1984-1995.  Other webpages in this Mission History section contain a chart of the History of LDS Japan Mission Names and Area Boundaries and a map of current missions in Japan.  Presidents of Japan Missions that preceded the Sendai Mission are listed below.

Years Served President Deceased Mission Name
1901 - 1903 Grant, Heber J 1945 Japan
1903 - 1905 Ensign, Horace S 1944 Japan
1905 - 1910 Taylor, Alma O 1947 Japan
1910 - 1912 Thomas, Elbert D 1953 Japan
1912 - 1915 Ivins, H. Grant 1974 Japan
1915 - 1921 Stimpson, Joseph H 1964 Japan
1921 - 1923 Ivie, Lloyd O 1967 Japan
1948 - 1949 Clissold, Edward L 1985 Japanese
1949 - 1952 Mauss, Vinal G 1992 Japanese
1952 - 1955 Robertson, Hilton A 1983 Japanese
1955 - 1962 Andrus, Paul C 2019 Northern Far East
1962 - 1965 Andersen, Dwayne 2012 Northern Far East
1965 - 1968 Komatsu, Adney Y 2011 Northern Far East
1968 - 1970 Bills, Walter R 2001 Japan
1970 - 1973 Horiuchi, Russell 2011 Japan East
1973 - 1976 Koizumi Kotaro   Japan East>Sapporo





Teruya, Walter S     1974-1977

Original Call: (LDS Church News 11 May 1974 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Walter Shigeo Teruya, a retired businessman from Wailuku, Hawaii, has been called by the First Presidency as president of the new Japan Sendai Mission, which will be divided from the Japan East Mission in July.

Born June 1, 1915, in Waikapu, Hawaii, to Eiko and Hisako Gibu Teruya, Pres. Teruya was baptized May 14, 1941, in Paia, Hawaii, after his conversion. He married Joyce Tone Nagasawa, and they were the first Japanese couple to be married in the Hawaii Temple. It was July 11, 1942. They have three children.




1992 Tokyo Temple President Call  (LDS Church News 1992 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Walter Shigeo Teruya, 76, of the Kahului 1st Ward, Kahului Hawaii Stake, called as president of the Tokyo Temple, succeeding Tomosue Abo.  Pres. Teruya's wife, Joyce Tone Nagasawa Teruya, will serve as temple matron.  Pres. Teruya is a retired sales executive.  He served in the Hawaiian Mission presidency in 1950, and was the first president of the Japan Sendai Mission in 1974.  He was born June 1, 1915, in Waikapu, Hawaii, to Eiko and Hisako Gibu Teruya.  Sister Teruya is a former Primary stake board member, Primary and Sunday School teacher and Relief Society stake board member and teacher.  She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Hikohichi and Misu Abiko Nagasawa.  The Teruyas were the first couple of Japanese ancestry married in the Hawaiian Temple. Pres. and Sister Teruya are the parents of three children. 

President and Sister Teruya died in 2004 and 2006, respectively.  Biographical tributes and memories can be found in the In Memory section of our Site.



Kwak, Richard D S     1977-1978

Original Call: (LDS Church News 23 April 1977 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Richard Doo Sung Kwak, 55, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Lai Hong and Soon Duk Sur Kwak. A convert to the Church, he was baptized April 5, 1941, in Honolulu. He married Mildred Sachiko Kishimoto Aug. 5, 1957, in the Hawaii Temple. They have four children.

A high school teacher in Hawaii, Pres. Kwak received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Brigham Young University. He served as a Sunday School superintendent's counselor, seventies quorum president, bishop's counselor, high priests group leader, high counselor and district president.

Sister Kwak was born in Hilo, Hawaii, to Seiyu and Chizuko China Kishimoto. She served as an assistant Sunday School secretary, Relief Society visiting teacher, Primary teacher, Primary president's counselor, and Primary president.

President Kwak was diagnosed with cancer while serving as president and was released early to return to his native Hawaii to convalesce. According to Paul Pugmire, an RM who served under President Kwak, he remembers a fast organized by Elder Kikuchi of the Seventy for President Kwak that included all the Asian missions, stakes and temples. He also remembers that President Kwak was a man of deep faith and commitment.

President Kwak passed away a few years after his release, on 23 August 1980 at the age of 58-thanks to Leo Eastman for providing this information as well as the headstone picture (click to enlarge). Sister Kwak is believed to still reside in Kailua, HI.


Sakai Kiyoshi     1978-1981

Original Call: (LDS Church News 09 Dec 1978 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Kiyoshi Sakai was recently called as president of the Japan Sendai Mission. He has been serving as president since Oct. 18.

He replaced Pres. Richard D.S. Kwak, who was released due to illness. Pres. Kwak had been mission president since July 1977.

Pres. Sakai, 39, was born in Okayama-shi, Japan, a son of Toshiro and Kumeko Hanaya Sakai. He married Mitsuyo Ogawa April 1, 1967, and they have three children. A convert to the Church, he was baptized Feb. 16, 1957, in Okayama-shi.

The new mission president served as a bishop, high councilor in the Tokyo Japan Stake, and counselor in the presidency of the Yokohama Japan Stake. Until his call as a mission president, he was employed at the Church Distribution Center in Tokyo.

Sister Sakai was born in Kobe-shi, Japan, to Sadao and Yaeno Nagahama Ogawa. She served as a Junior Sunday School coordinator and Relief Society president.



Shimabukuro, Sam K     1981-1984

Original Call: (LDS Church News 07 Feb 1981 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Sam K. Shimabukuro, 55, is a high councilor in the Honolulu Hawaii West Stake.

He was born in Waipahu, Hawaii, a son of Kame and Ushi Nakasone Shimabukuro. He married Amy Hirose Kurosawa Oct. 30, 1957 in Tokyo, Japan. Their only child died in 1974. They are members of the Honolulu Aliamanu Ward.

Pres. Shimabukuro received a bachelor's degree from the University of Hawaii. He currently works for the Hawaii state labor department. His Church service has included assignments as bishop, seventies quorum president and Sunday School president. From 1954-1957 he filled a full-time mission to the Northern Far East Mission.

Sister Shimabukuro was born in Maebashi, Japan, a daughter of Takeji and Kaneko Hirose Kurosawa. She is currently serving as a Primary teacher. She has served as Young Women secretary, Relief Society teacher, and as an ordinance worker in the Hawaii Temple.


1985 Submitted by Pratt Hokanson:
Ensign, Apr. 1985, p. 80
Sam K. Shimabukuro, of Honolulu, Hawaii, has been called by the First Presidency to serve as president of the Tokyo Temple. He succeeds Elder Adney Y. Komatsu of the First Quorum of the Seventy. Prior to his call, President Shimabukuro had been serving as a counselor to Elder Komatsu in the Tokyo Temple presidency.

On September 1, 1992, the Asia North Area Presidency was created to administer affairs
in Japan and Korea. Elder W. Eugene Hansen was the first Area President. His counselors were Elder Han In Sang, from Korea, and Elder Sam K. Shimabukuro, from Hawaii.

Ensign, Nov. 1996
Released from the Second Quorum of the Seventy after completion of five or more years of service was Sam K. Shimabukuro.

The picture below was taken by Dave Miller on a 2007 visit to Hawaii. Pres. and Sister Shimabukuro came to Salt Lake for a reunion held April 4, 2008.


President Shimabukuro passed away October 8, 2015.  Here are links to articles in Wikipedia and in Church News


Aoyagi Koichi     1984-1987

Original Call: (LDS Church News 29 April 1984 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Koichi Aoyagi, Tokyo, Japan, has been called to preside over the Japan Sendai Mission, the First Presidency has announced, Pres. Aoyagi will begin service about July 1.

Pres. Aoyagi, 39, is president of the Tokyo Japan West Stake.

A convert to the Church, he was born to Mitsuo and Sueno Aoyagi in Matsumoto, Japan. He served in the Northern Far East Mission from 1968-1970. Pres. Aoyagi speaks both Japanese and English.

He has been stake president and high councilor and has served in a mission presidency and a bishopric. Prior to his mission, he majored in foreign trade at Kanagawa University. Later, he attended the Japan Real Estate Academy, and has been employed as area real estate manager for the Church.

In 1970, he married Shiroko Momose in the Salt Lake Temple. They are parents of four children, ages 4-13.

Sister Aoyagi was also born in Matsumoto, Japan, a daughter of Tateki and Umeyo Ohta Momose. She serves in the ward Relief Society presidency and has previously served in a stake Primary presidency. She has also been ward Primary president twice, as well as a Primary teacher.


Dec 2005 LDS Church News 02 December 2005:  New MTC presidents
The First Presidency has announced the calling of nine new Missionary Training Center presidents. The new leaders and their wives will begin service in January 2006.  Here are brief biographical summaries:

Koichi Aoyagi, 60, Japan Missionary Training Center; Chiba Ward, Chiba Japan Stake; former president of Japan Sendai Mission, regional representative, stake president, high councilor, ward mission leader and Sunday School teacher. Sales manager with Young Living Inc. Born in Matsumoto, Nagano-ken, Japan, to Mitsuo and Sueno Aoyagi Tazaki. Married Shiroko Momose, four children.

A stake Relief Society president, she is a former ward Relief Society president, branch Primary president, branch Relief Society president, and ward Young Women president. Born in Matsumoto, Nagano-ken, Japan, to Tateki and Umeyo Ohta Momose.

Apr 2008: President Aoyagi's new calling as an Area Seventy was announced in General Conference on April 5, 2008. Area Seventies serve the church part-time in the areas where they live.

Apr 2009:
President Aoyagi's new calling as a member of the Second Quorum of Seventy was announced in General Conference on April 4, 2009.

August 2010:
President Aoyagi was called as 2nd counselor in the Asia North Area Presidency. Here is the picture published in the Church News.


July 2021:
President Aoyagi passed away at age 76 on 05 Jul 2021, according to Michael Clifton, an RM from that era. The Facebook post said he passed away suddenly from heart failure.










Niiyama Yasuo     1987-1990

Original Call: (LDS Church News-21 Mar 1987 ©2001 Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Yasuo Niiyama, 42, assigned to the Japan Sendai Mission; Mitaka Ward, Tokyo Japan Stake; stake president; former region executive secretary, stake executive secretary, high councilor, and bishop's counselor; served mission in Japan, 1963-65; owner of language and international business training firms; received bachelor's and master of public administration degrees from BYU; born in Kobe City, Japan, to Yoshio and Tsujiko Murakawa Niiyama; married Tomiko Moulton; six children. She is Primary teacher, former ward Primary and Relief Society president, and Relief Society instructor; born in Sendai, Japan, to Arlo and Eiko Hatakeyama Moulton.

Update Mar 2007: (courtesy Tracy Rogers)
Since his release in 1990 as a Mission President, Pres. Niiyama has served as a Regional Representative in Japan, among other callings. From April 2002 to April 2008 he served as an Area Authority. He was responsible for Church Public Affairs in Japan.

Elder Niiyama also currently is President and CEO of the Selnate Group of Companies, which include Interac Co., Ltd., Selnate Co., Ltd. (Japan) and Selnate USA Co., Ltd., with a branch in Provo, Utah (Selnate International School). These companies are dedicated to education, and teach businesses, governments and public schools all over Japan. These companies currently employ over 1,600 full-time teachers in public schools, for example, and his companies have a strong reputation for quality instruction and high moral values.

Update April 2017: (courtesy Tracy Rogers)

It is with regret that I inform you of the passing of President Niiyama. Please see below for the official announcement from the Asia Area North Presidency.
I was informed last September that President Niiyama had serious cancer (I believe lung cancer) and was seeking treatment, but that he did not want word to be spread around and I was asked to keep it confidential. His greatest desire was to be able to finish his calling as the Tokyo Temple President, a 3-year calling. Having had the privilege of seeing him regularly over many of the years since his mission service, it seems clear he didn’t want his illness to detract from the Work he continued to do—he wanted focus to remain off him personally and stay on temple work. In recent weeks and months as his health deteriorated, more and more people became aware of the situation. He just celebrated his 73rd birthday this past Tuesday, the 25th of April.

May the Lord bless Sister Niiyama and their children at this time of loss, and with you and your loved ones as well.
Tracy Rogers

(English Follows)
妻 新山登美子 様
崔 崙煥
We express our deepest sympathies and condolences at the passing of our esteemed brother in the work of the Lord, President Yasuo Niiyama Tokyo Japan Temple yesterday, April 28th, 11:00 p.m. at his home at age 73.
He has 7 children. He served diligently and faithfully with his dear wife, Sister Tomiko Niiyama since he was called as a temple president on November 1st, 2015. We believe that he was been welcomed into the bosom of the faithful saints in paradise.
Viewing and funeral will be held as follow:
Sunday, April 30th 
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 
Musashino Japan Stake Center (Kichijoji ward) 
1-7-7 Kichijoji-higashimachi, Musashino-shi, Tokyo
Monday, May 1st 
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon 
Musashino Japan Stake Center (Kichijoji ward) 
1-7-7 Kichijoji-higashimachi, Musashino-shi, Tokyo
Host of the funeral:
We extend our sincere sympathies to Sister Niiyama and his family.
Asia North Area Presidency
Scott D. Whiting 
Kazuhiko Yamashita 
Yoon Hwan Choi

Fukuda Makoto     1990-1993

Original Call: (LDS Church News 03 Mar 1990 ©2001 Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Makoto Fukuda, 54, Tokorozawa Ward, Tokyo Japan Stake; bishop, former stake president and seminary teacher; served in Northern Far East Mission, 1956-58; life assurance president; born in Sendai-shi, Japan, a son of Einosuka and Kei Matsubara Fukuda; married Yasuko Numano. She is ward Relief Society president, former stake Relief Society president and stake Young Women president; born in Kita-ku, Japan, a daughter of Shoji and Hisako Ishii Numano.






Austin, Richard M     1993-1996

Original Call: (LDS Church News 09 Jan 1993 ©2001 Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Richard M. Austin, 58, Spring Creek 6th Ward, Springville Utah Spring Creek Stake; branch president, former high councilor, stake clerk, bishop and counselor, branch president and counselor, elders quorum president's counselor, Young Men president's counselor, and Sunday School teacher; served in Northern Far East Mission, 1955-58; director of accounting and financial reporting for BYU; earned bachelor's degree from BYU and is a certified public accountant; born in Salt Lake City, Utah, a son of Michael John and Lillian Maxfield Austin; married Sherrie Dixon, six children. She is a spiritual living leader, former stake Relief Society secretary, ward Relief Society president and counselor, Young Women adviser, Junior Sunday School coordinator, Primary president, counselor, and teacher; attended BYU; born in Ogden, Utah, a daughter of Reed Dangerfield and Mary Matilda Hills Dixon.


Yoshino Kazuhiro     1996-1999

Original Call: (LDS Church News 27 Apr 1996
©2001 Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Kazuhiro Yoshino, 47, Japan Sendai Mission; Kunitachi Ward, Tokyo Japan West Stake; high councilor and temple sealer; former mission president's counselor, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, branch president, high priests group leader, and elders quorum president; Japan area education director for the Church; received law degree from Kumamoto University; born in Miyazaki-ken, Japan, to Tsuneo Yamamoto and Fukiko Yoshino; married Mariko Harada, two children. She is a stake Relief Society president's counselor; former stake Young Women president, Relief Society and Primary president, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the Japan Central Mission; parents are Taro and Noriko Yoshida Harada.



Grames, Conan P     1999-2002

Original Call: (LDS Church News 20 Feb 1999 ©2001 Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Conan P. Grames, 52, Princeton 1st Ward, East Brunswick New Jersey Stake; former counselor in mission presidency, counselor in stake presidency, high councilor, stake Young Men president, stake activities committee chairman, stake M-Men representative, counselor in district presidency, district mission president, chairman of the Diplomatic Relations Committee of New York, bishop and counselor, high priests group leader, elders quorum president, Young Men president, LDSSA president, deacons quorum adviser, seminary teacher, and missionary in the Northern Far East Mission; vice president and senior counsel for Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.; received bachelor's degree in international economics from the University of Utah and juris doctorate from the Harvard Law School; born in Cedar City, Utah, to Lloyd Marion and Ada JaLene Heywood Grames; married Cindy Homer, six children. She is ward music chairman; former district Primary president, ward Relief Society president and counselor, Primary president and counselor, seminary teacher, and Young Women adviser; attended Weber State University and the University of Utah, received bachelor's degree in history from The College of New Jersey; born in Denver, Colo., to Frederick Raymond and Phyllis LeNila Young Homer.



Bird, Alan M     2002-2005

Original Call: (LDS Church News 09 Feb 2002 ©2003 Deseret News Publishing Co.)

Alan M. Bird, 49, Springville Utah 3rd Ward, Springville Utah Stake; president, C.&A. Construction; high councilor in BYU 3rd Stake, former stake president's counselor, bishop, Young Men's president, stake missionary. Born in Payson, Utah, to George Ray and Helen Money Bird. Married Sharee Sumison, five children.
A ward Young Women president, she is a former stake Young Women president's counselor, Primary president, Relief Society president and stake camp director. Born in Payson, Utah, to Richard Mead and JoAnn Blackett Sumison.



Miyashita Asao     2005-2008

Original Call: Saturday, April 16, 2005
LDS Church News

Asao Miyashita, 64; Abiko Ward, Abiko Japan Stake; former counselor in a stake presidency, high councilor, bishop, high priests group leader and missionary in the Japan Fukuoka Mission. Retired from Nitto Material Co. Born in Shizuoka, Japan, to Masa and Fumie Imamura Miyashita. Married Kumiko Yoshida, one child.

Sister Miyashita is a former stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president, Primary teacher and missionary in the Japan Fukuoka Mission. Born in Hotu, Japan, to Shigeo and Kei Tsuboi Yoshida.



Update July 2009: New Temple Presidents LDS Church News 04 Jul 2009

Three new temple presidents have been called by the First Presidency, with their wives called as matrons. They will begin service soon. 

Asao Miyashita, 68, Abiko Ward, Nihon Matsudo Stake, called as president of the Fukuoka Japan Temple, succeeding President Ryoushou Nakamura. President Miyashita's wife, Kumiko Yoshida Miyashita, will serve as temple matron. President Miyashita is a high priests group leader and temple ordinance worker. He has served as president of the Japan Sendai Mission, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, bishop's counselor, elders quorum president and as a senior couple missionary. He was born in Shizuoka-City, Shizuoka, Japan, to Masa and Fumie Imaura Miyashita.

Sister Miyashita is a Relief Society teacher and temple ordinance worker. She served with her husband while he presided over the Japan Sendai Mission and as a senior couple missionary. She has also served as a stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president and counselor and counselor in a ward Primary presidency. She was born in Hofu-shi, Yamaguchi, Japan, to Shigeo and Keiko Tsuboi Yoshida.



Tateoka, Reid     2008-2011

From the 16 Feb 2008 Church News-New Mission Presidents Announcement Page (Mission Assigments listed 01 Mar 2008):

Reid Tateoka, 54, Cottonwood 4th Ward, Salt Lake Big Cottonwood Stake; counselor in stake presidency; former bishop and counselor, stake executive secretary, counselor in a branch presidency and missionary in the Japan Sendai Mission. President and attorney, McKay, Burton & Thurman. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Mateo Matt and Ida Tetsuko Shimizu Tateoka. Married Shauna Reid, three children.

A ward Primary teacher, Sister Tateoka is a former counselor in ward Young Women and Primary presidencies, ward Relief Society teacher, stake Primary board member and Cub Scout leader. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Mervin Roland and Ethna Robinson Reid.

Webmaster Note:
Pres. Tateoka served as a missionary from 1973 (called to the then Japan East Mission) to 1975, serving under Pres. Walter Teruya, who was the first president of the newly formed Sendai Mission.



Rasmussen, Gary D     2011-2014

Mission Call Announcement
29 Jan 2011 Church News-New Mission Presidents Announcement Page (Mission Assignments listed 19 Feb 2011):

Gary Dean Rasmussen, 59, and Pamela Jo Larsen Rasmussen, six children, Binghampton Ward, Tucson Arizona Stake. Brother Rasmussen is a stake president and is a former stake Young Men president, high councilor, bishop, counselor in a bishopric, ward mission leader, and missionary in the Japan Mission. Chief financial officer, Metro Restaurants. Born in Moscow, Idaho, to Francis Jesper and Norma Tasso Rasmussen.

Sister Rasmussen serves as a counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency and is a former visiting teaching coordinator, stake Young Women camp cook, ward young single adult adviser, stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society president in two presidencies and counselor in a ward Primary presidency. Born in Moscow, Idaho, to Dean Alfred and Helen Rae Eborn Larsen.



Smith, Jeffrey R     2014-2017

Mission Call Announcement
21 Apr 2014 Church News-New Mission Presidents Announcement Page (Mission Assignments listed 11 Jan 2014):

Jeffrey Randall Smith, 59, and Karen Teresa Bone Smith, six children, Rock Canyon Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont South Stake: Japan Sendai Mission, succeeding President Gary D. Rasmussen and Sister Pamela L. Rasmussen. Brother Smith is a former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop, MTC branch president, high councilor and missionary in the Japan Fukuoka/Japan West Mission. Orthopedic surgeon, Intermountain Healthcare. Born in Provo, Utah, to Wilford Emery Smith and Ruth Christensen Smith.

Sister Smith is a former stake Relief Society president, counselor in a stake Relief Society presidency, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, temple ordinance worker and Cub Scout leader. Born in Columbia, S.C., to Joseph H. (Bill) Bone and Marjorie Cutchen.

Sekiguchi Osamu     2017-2020*

Mission Call Announcement
From the Church's Japanese NewsRoom:
Osamu Sekiguchi, 54, and Takako Sekiguchi, two children, Nakano Ward, Tokyo Japan Stake: Japan Sendai Mission, succeeding President Jeffrey R. Smith and Sister Karen Smith. Brother Sekiguchi serves in a stake presidency and is a former high councilor, ward YSA adviser, Sunday School teacher, bishopric counselor, ward mission leader and missionary in the Japan Nagoya Mission. Asia North Area public affairs director, Corporation of the President. Born in Tokyo, Japan, to Shoji Sekiguchi and Toki Naoe Sekiguchi.
Sister Sekiguchi serves in a stake Relief Society presidency and is a former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward YSA adviser, ward Relief Society president, Sunday School teacher, seminary teacher and missionary in the Japan Fukuoka Mission. Born in Hokkaido, Japan, to Susumu Iwahara and Tomoko Suga Iwahara.
Admin Note:  After 45 years of existence, Sendai Mission was dissolved effective 01 Jul 2019, so for the final year of their three-year service, Pres. and Sis. Sekiguchi then presided over the newly r(e)created Tokyo North Mission, headquartered in Sendai (until a new honbu was completed in Tokyo near the Tokyo Temple). For their last year of service, branches in Akita, Aomori and Iwate prefectures were part of the Sapporo Mission, and they presided over new areas north of Tokyo. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Pres. and Sis. Sekiguchi served an extra three months past their scheduled 30 Jun 2020 three-year ending date until 22 Sep 2020, when Tokyo South's Pres. Esplin assignments were expanded to include Tokyo North until incoming Tokyo North president and companion, Dale S. Cook and Kathleen A. Cook were allowed to enter Japan.  One of the most unique things Pres. Sekiguchi did during his tenure was to set up a Facebook Newsroom that helped parents and RMs keep track of things going on in the mission. This included live-streaming final testimony meetings of returning missionaries. The Sendai Stake continued this tradition for Pres. and Sis. Sekiguchi's final testimony "devotional" held 22 Sep 2020. Link - we hope these links stay active. Admin Update: After five years of closure, the mission reopened 01 Jul 2024. See Mission Leaders Bryan and Kathy Ward Mission Call Announcement below, as well as updated pages: Current Mission Info and History and Boundaries.

Ward, Bryan L  2024-2027

Mission Call Announcement

From the 19 Jan 2024 Church News-New Mission Leaders Announcement Page (Mission Assignments listed 05 Jan 2024):

Bryan L. Ward, 60, and Kathy M. Ward, three children, Rhodes Valley 2nd Ward, Kamas Utah Stake: Japan Sendai Mission. Brother Ward is an institute teacher and former temple ordinance worker, stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, ward Young Men president, elders quorum president, Gospel Doctrine teacher, seminary teacher and missionary in the Japan Sendai Mission. He was born in Bountiful, Utah, to Kenneth Meldon Ward and Carole Jean Ward.

Sister Ward is a Church service missionary, stake temple and family history consultant, and FamilySearch center director and former temple ordinance worker, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Primary president and ward Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Peoria, Illinois, to Jon Dennis Showley and Ginger Marie Showley.


Pre-Sendai Mission President Biograpical Information

Koizumi, Kotaro     1973-1976

Original Call: (LDS Church News 16 Jun 1974 © Deseret News Publishing Co.) 

Pres. Kotaro Koizumi, first counselor in the Pearl Harbor West Stake presidency, has been called by the First Presidency to preside over the Japan East Mission with headquarters in Sapporo, Japan. He succeeds Pres. Russell N. Horiuchi. Pres. Koizumi, who heads his own architectural firm in the Honolulu area, was born in Laie, Nov. 1, 1931, a son of Gensaku and Sono Koizumi. He married Grace Kiyoko Kaneshige of Wahiawa, Oahu, in the Hawaii Temple on May 15, 1964, and they have two children. He received his B.A. in architecture from Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. He has served as a ward clerk, stake YMMIA superintendent, bishop, high councilor and in the stake presidency. Mrs. Koizumi was born Jan. 31, 1935 in Honolulu, to Takuzo and Tomeyo Harano Kaneshige. She has served as YWMIA age group counselor in her ward, and at present is stake YWMIA secretary. She has been secretary to the president of a savings and loan association for the past 14 years, and has served in the same capacity for the stake patriarch for the same length of time.

Russell N. Horiuchi     1970-1973

Original Call: (LDS Church News 07 Mar 1970 © Deseret News Publishing Co.)

2 New Missions, Stake To Be Created In Japan

Two new missions will be created in Japan and the first stake in that country will be organized later this month, the First Presidency announced this week. The two new missions, tentatively name the Japan East and Japan West missions, will be formed through division of the Japan and Japan-Okinawa Missions. The changes will be effected by Elder Ezra Taft Benson and Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the Council of Twelve. Called as a mission president to serve in one of the two new missions in Japan is Russell N. Horiuchi, 1167 S. Main St., Orem, Utah. He will be accompanied to his field of labor by Mrs. Horiuchi. The new Tokyo Stake will be created March 15. The new missions will be formed during the following week.

An indication of the growth of the Church also is the announcement that a stake will be created in the South African Mission. Elder Marion G. Romney of the Council of the Twelve is scheduled to officiate at that action on the same day as the creation of the Tokyo Stake.

The present Japan Mission is presided over by Pres. Walter R. Bills with headquarters in Tokyo. This mission will retain its present name and headquarters. The new Japan East Mission will come from a division of the Japan Mission and will be headquartered in either Sapporo or Sendai. The two mission contain a population of about 50 million persons with almost 6,500 church members. The other new mission will be called the Japan West Mission and it will be taken from the Japan-Okinawa Mission, presided over by Pres. Edward Y. Okazaki. The Japan-Okinawa Mission will be renamed the Japan Central Mission. Japan Central Mission will retain its headquarters in Kobe, while Japan West Mission will operate from the city of Fukuoka. Japan West will contain the Kyushu and Okinawa Districts with a population of 13,251,000 and a Church membership of 1,077, plus about 900 servicemen. The mission area in the Japan Central Mission includes the Chubu, Kinki and Shikoku districts. There are 3,453 members now living in the mission and among 37,392,000 Japanese.

In addition to Elder Benson and Elder Hinckley, two other General Authorities will be in Japan this month. They are Elder Hugh B. Brown, of the Council of the Twelve, and Elder Bernard P. Brockbank, an Assistant to the Twelve. Elder Brockbank is already in Osaka overseeing completion of the Church Pavilion in Expo 70. The pavilion will be dedicated March 13 and the fair will be formally opened March 14. Elder Benson, who supervises the Far East missions with Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the First Council of the Seventy, said that hundreds of thousands of visitors are expected to visit the Church pavilion at Expo 70. He foresees many thousands of referrals coming from the visitors and with the missions set up this will accomplish the maximum in proselyting and the prospects for growth of the Church in Japan will be greatly increased because of the fair in Osaka. A minimum of 2,500 baptisms have been forecast for 1970 in Japan and Okinawa. A seminar for mission presidents in the Orient already has been set up for Sept. 22 and 23 in Osaka.

Besides Pres. Horiuchi, another president will be named to preside over the other new mission. Pres. Horiuchi is an assistant professor of geography at Brigham Young University and is a native of Hawaii. He was born in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, Jan. 25, 1923 to the late Mitsutaka Horiuchi and Mrs. Kikuyo Koyama Horiuchi. Pres. Horiuchi has been serving in the bishopric of the BYU 14th Ward as well as teaching on the campus. He has been a member of the Church for about 25 years. He has been active in all aspects of Church work. He met Annette Aiko Mori of Tokyo while he was serving with the U.S. Army on the staff of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. They were married Aug. 6, 1947, after Pres. Horiuchi was discharged from the Army and was working in Tokyo as a civilian translator for the Army. They have one daughter, Ellen, 21, a school teacher. Mrs. Horiuchi was born in Tokyo, Dec. 27, 1925 and part of her family still lives there. She was converted and baptized by her husband in 1950. They later were sealed in the Los Angeles Temple. Pres. Horiuchi received his bachelor's degree in 1953 from BYU, his masters at the University of California in 1958 and recently received his Ph.D. degree. He was valedictorian of the BYU graduating class in 1953. He joined the BYU faculty in 1961 after teaching and doing research at the University of California at Berkeley, and also at the College of San Mateo, Calif.