If you are Chris R., please join here and update your profile!

Chris R. Draper

Mission Start Year: 1973
Now Residing In: Big Pine, CA USA
Mission Story:

Admin Note: Chris joined our previous Site (that was abandoned by developers). He wrote the comment below in 2007, and last I heard from him was at the time of the 2011 earthquake/tsunami:

"Recent contact with John Erickson has sparked my curiosity to this site. Just reading all the names, seeing current pictures of past companions and others that worked in branches I served in brings back many memories. I have not been a member of the church for a very long time. Hope that won't stop those who have been wondering about me from dropping a line. 30 + years has been a long road to travel. Certainly, my time in the mission field was among the most intense experience of my life. To all who stubble on this profile, be well."